Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year New Goals Reflection for Students

Happy New Year!  Can you believe it is already 2017?  I mean, wasn't it just 2007 like yesterday?

Like most teachers, I always go back into the classroom after the New Year with big ideas.  One thing that I started doing early on in my teaching career was to have students reflect on various parts of their learning.  January, the midpoint of the school year, is the PERFECT time to do this!

As students come back to school this week, I will give them this reflection sheet that I put together.  I like it because it is short and sweet and, most importantly, to the point.  It does require a preplanning from the teacher, as you may want to have their grades already filled out on the reflection sheet, but it is also the perfect time to have individual student conferences!  You could easily have your garbed pulled up on your device and fill the grades in as you are conferencing with students.  This also gives you the opportunity to help guide students in writing their goals.

I've uploaded the reflection sheet in my Teachers Pay Teachers store and you can download it for free!

Have a great week as you get back into the swing of things and start recovering from the last couple of weeks of longer than 20 minute lunches and potty breaks whenever you felt the need to go!

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